7055 CARROLL RD., SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 (858) 695-9692
Web site: www.mtmoriahcc.org
Sunday Services 9:00am and 11:00am
Title: Senior Pastor
To lead and guide an ethnically diverse congregation to grow stronger in Christ through faith and grace. Be a role model and inspire others to follow our LORD Jesus Christ; in addition, the Senior Pastor should establish meaningful relationships with congregation members and visitors. This Ministry requires a leader with passion for preaching the Gospel and developing disciples to further our LORD’s kingdom.
• Master of Divinity or working towards equivalent degree or training
• Theological understanding consistent with MMCC’s statement of faith
• Meet the requirements as stated in 1 Timothy 3:1-7
• 3+ years of active pastoral ministry/associate minister in the United States
• Church planting and/or new ministry buildup experience preferable
1) Preaching and teaching: The Pastor will be the primary preacher for ALL worship services. The Pastor also will provide leadership in planning and executing the Educational programs, discipleship programs, and ministry training, in coordination with other ordained and lay leaders.
2) Strategic leadership and planning: The Pastor is responsible for strategic planning and staff coordination in the execution of the church’s purpose. The Pastor will define strategic goals and vision as a key leader among staff and implement the plan by:
a. Coordinating and/or leading weekly meetings and other activities to clarify and execute goals and objectives.
b. Monitoring the spiritual pulse of the congregation through review and accountability.
c. Ensuring staffing, facilities and programs are effectively aligned to meet strategic goals.
3) Staff supervision and development: The Pastor serves as director to ordained and lay staff and lay volunteers, and leads, evaluates, and mentors existing staff in their respective areas of ministry by:
a. Overseeing staff training and development.
b. Hiring and dismissing staff and prioritizing staff additions after consultation and guidance from the Advisory Council.
c. Providing leadership to the pastoral staff in the design and implementation of all church ministries.
d. Working with the Trustee Board to implement salary reviews and recommendations.
e. Maintaining efficient and effective lines of communication between the staff and congregation.
f. Conduct performance evaluations and provide ongoing informal performance feedback.
4) Administration: The Pastor oversees and executes the administration of the church through appropriate staff and lay leadership teams, and ensures the completion of ministry, business, facility, and logistical support functions through staff and lay volunteers. Must:
a. Oversee the pastoral care needs of the congregation and, as necessary, share with other ordained and lay ministers in hospital visitation, home visits, counseling, marriages and funerals.
b. Oversee development of and adherence to church policies and procedures.
Application Process:
• Submit cover letter, statement of faith and resume in your application by mail to: 7055 Carroll Road, San Diego, CA 92121-2212 Attention: “MMCC PASTOR CANDIDATE” or by emailing wwww.Godwillprovide@pacbell.net Please put “MMCC PASTOR CANDIDATE” in the subject line. All applications should be submitted no later than 31 March 2020 to be considered.
• Provide audio or video recordings of preaching in the past. (Can be links to YouTube or other websites)
• Provide references to your ministerial experience.
• All applications will remain confidential and receive confirmation within 2 business days.
Denomination: Non-denominational
Church size: 50 – 150
Compensation: Negotiable
About Mt. Moriah Christian Church:
We are a bilingual (English, Spanish and Tagalog) community church, located in Mira Mesa San Diego area. We emphasize bible teachings, evangelism, counseling, food bank outreach, as well as men, women, seniors, children, teen and care team ministries programs to lend a helping hand or a gentle ear.
We are currently seeking a full-time pastor to lead and guide an ethnically diverse congregation to grow stronger in Christ. If you have passion for preaching the Gospel and developing disciples to further our LORD’s kingdom, we want to hear from you.
Mt. Moriah Faith Statement:
1) We believe the Bible is the inerrant and infallible word of God.
2) We believe that God the Father is the first person in the Trinity.
3) We believe that Jesus Christ is the second person in the Trinity, Son of God. (Col. 2:9)
4) We believe the Holy Spirit is the third person in the Trinity and indwells, fills and seals the believer at the moment of belief (acceptance of Christ).
5) We believe the three personages are one God, hence the “Godhead” (Matt. 3:16) or Trinity (Matt. 18:19) are distinctly equal. (Eph. 1:13-14)
7) We believe His moral attributes include: Holiness, Righteousness, Justice, Mercy, Loving-kindness, Love, Faithfulness, Grace.
8) We believe in the Virgin Birth of Christ and full resurrection of Christ and Ascension in Heaven.
9) We believe man is sinful, on his way to Hell in need of a Savior, in need of regeneration. (Romans 6:23)
10) We believe mankind is regenerated by the personal acceptance of Jesus Christ. When mankind believing the claims of Jesus Christ, receives Him to be all that He claims to be, he is “born again”. (John 1:12-13; Gal. 3:26)
11) We believe that there are two Church Ordinances: BAPTISM Mark 16:16 LORD’S SUPPER 1 Corinthians 11:23-32
12) We believe prayer is needed to advance the Kingdom of God.
13) We believe the Bible commands all Christians to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to all people. (Matt. 28:10-20)