Mt Moriah Christian family,
2020 has revealed the best and the worst of humanity.
I must remind us who are the called of God that we are not our own but we have been bought with a price(the finished work of Christ at Calvary).
God has called us to be one ..even as He, the Son and the Holy Spirit are one.
On November 7th, 2020, Rev. Dr. Gerald Brown became the Pastor of Mt. Moriah Christian Church and with that I turned over to him my keys, paperwork, office, church stamp and all that was necessary in the transfer.
However, as I leave my post at Mt. Moriah, I realize that some have been hurt, disillusioned, or discouraged. If I have offended some…I apologize, and take responsibility for my actions as the former pastor. For this I ask your forgiveness.
I pray that what the apostle Paul has said “forgetting the things which are behind and pressing towards the mark of the high calling of Christ Jesus our Lord” embraces our very being.
As you welcome in the new pastor (Dr. Brown) let us show heaven and world the kind of saints that represent Mt. Moriah. This is a new beginning as the baton is passed on to you as well.
This is your church…encourage your new pastor…he is a God called preacher….read his bio…ask him questions…and be there to give advice as needed.
I am excited for the church and you who have been a blessing to me.
Love you and there is nothing you can do about it.
Follow your new leaders.
Take your rightful place ………be blessed
God will provide
Rev. L.J. Thomas, Pastor Emeritus
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